• friday four (if I had a million dollars)

    1. If I had a million dollars, I’d buy this outfit to wear to the Mississippi State game. Not that they have one this week. And not that I went there. But, this is a very hypothetical post. Let’s just have fun with it.


    2. I also need this for the Ole Miss game…


    Pretty sure that is a Janessa Leone hat. Pretty sure a million dollars wouldn’t cover the cost of the head reduction surgery required for me to wear it. You know what they say; large head, hats don’t fit. Or something like that.

    3. I’d also buy every color in this pant (the AG Stevie). I would call them jeans, but I like to wear them to work. And, well, we can’t wear jeans to work. I have a couple of pairs already, and they are the best. Not low rise, not high rise, not too stiff. They are the perfect length to tuck in boots or to wear with booties or flats. Closest thing I’ve found to pajama jeans. Er, I mean pants.


    4. Please don’t think I am going to leave y’all out. I would buy everyone a pair of these Sam Edelman booties. Very cute and oh so comfortable. Nobody wants their bootie to hurt. Plus, you can flip them up or down to accommodate your jeans or dresses.


    Or your work pants. So, what would you spend your million on? Please don’t say world peace or a cure for ebola because that would make me feel super bad about my choices.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Close enough

    I didn’t do a good job keeping up with the old blog this summer. Busy, busy, blah, blah, blah. A few of y’all asked for a “day in the life” post. How bout a summer recap instead? What? It’s fall you say? Come on. I need some closure before I can move on. And I really need to make some room for the iPhone update.

    Keep in mind this is only the really fun and/or good stuff. I simply forget to take photos when I am doing laundry after work while my kids are fighting and complaining about being bored. Or, when I’ve over soy-ed and am swollen.

    And The Church Lady said, “How convenient.”


    We took a trip to North Carolina to visit Mawmaw Cecilia. We left on the 4th and stopped for the night in Atlanta. We caught the fireworks and festivities at the hotel.








    Ever since Graham caught wind that Wells got to go to Legoland, he’s been begging to go to California. Lucky for him, there is a Legoland (Discovery Center) in Atlanta. Close enough.



    After that (and a quick detour to Howell Mill Road), we headed to Asheville. Long road trips are nothing new, but this one felt especially looooooooooooong. We were all a little delirious by the time we made it.



    Don’t judge me. You don’t know what it’s like to ride 300 miles in my seat.

    But, it was worth it to visit with sweet Mawmaw.


    We stayed at The Grove Park Inn for the first time and kinda loved it.








    At the end of July, we went to Perdido for a weekend. My family was already there, we needed to return Mr. Krabs and some very gracious friends offered their condo.

    I know what you are thinking. Way to stick out pet ownership for almost a month. Listen, the crab wasn’t happy with the situation either. Can you imagine living at the beach and then someone throwing you in a tiny plastic cage? He had every reason to be crabby.











    On our last day, we had a little going away ceremony for the crab. Ozzy Ozbourne performed the special music (Mama I’m Coming Home), and Graham said a few words. It was very touching. We will never forget, uh, what was his name? Crabman?




    Wells did a tiny scene in The Hollars. It was filmed in Jackson, and John Krasinski was the director.


    Wells didn’t appreciate the awesomeness that is Jim Halpert. One day, when he is old enough to watch The Office, he will understand.

    Speaking of movies, SK and I attended the Get On Up premiere. I loved the movie, and I’m not just saying that because I am in it for a fraction of one second.



    At the beginning of August, we went to the Justin Timberlake concert in New Orleans. (AKA an excuse to go to Felipe’s for nachos.)





    Unrelated, if any of you want to get me an early birthday gift, this will do…


    I promised the boys that I would take them camping before school started back. One thing (taking the crab back) led to another (bringing sexy back), and I ran out of time. Plus, it was 10 degrees hotter than the surface of the sun during August. I’m not one for breaking promises, so we moved it inside.



    Close enough.

  • friday, friday why you buggin’

    It’s Friday, and you know what that means. Tomorrow is Saturday!

    And I feel the need to share some things I’m digging this week.

    1.Big Little Lies


    My sassy friend Kara turned me on to this book. I have stacks and stacks of unfinished books to read, so the last thing I needed was another one. Luckily, this one has sucked me in, and I am (gasp) nearly done with it. There are tons of characters to sort through, but once you get past that it is a good read. A little mystery and a lot of catty mama drama… I can’t wait to finish it.

    2. Jackson Metro


    These Metro Jackson “Metro” note cards & and prints by Laurel from The Lovely Bee are just the cutest. Such a creative idea… definitely not your mama’s boring monogrammed notecards. Local gals, Laurel is offering a 10% discount for Wowie readers (Hi mom!). (Oops. I, uh, really didn’t mean that about your notecards.) Check them out over at her Etsy shop. Use the code WOWIE10 at checkout.

    3. Anthro Shower Curtain


    I ordered this shower curtain for the boys’ bathroom, and I:

    (a) am obsessed with it
    (b) can’t even
    (c) am literally dying
    (d) none of the above

    If you chose (d), you are correct. If you selected another answer punch yourself in the face for thinking that I would say any of those things.

    But, I do sort of love it. Even the bag it came in is cute.


    I know all you girl mamas are like, “Ew. Bugs.” But guess what? I will take bugs over robots or fire engines or mutant turtles any day.

    Why don’t you just go buy some really cute pink stuff, and leave me and my bugs alone. Ugh.

    4. Jamberry


    Yaya was wearing this polish, and I loved it. It’s called ‘dusk’ and is the perfect putty grey for fall. Jamberry also carries nail wraps that you apply using a hairdryer. All these are sized for little girls, and would be great for a “spa” birthday party. (Girl moms, I’m sorry for what I said earlier and am trying to make it up to you. And you can make it up to me by inviting me to the party.)

    5. MG Kimono


    I went shopping with Kailey and Lily a couple of weeks ago, and they talked me into buying this kimono. I named it Eileen (get it?), and have gotten at least 50 compliments on it. Or five. Either way, it is super comfy, and I promise I was wearing bottoms in that photo.

    Have a great weekend!

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