Last week, I made a sweet treat for teacher appreciation snacks. Nothing says appreciation and thanksgiving like pecan pie. This bite size version is so easy and delicious.
Mini Pecan Pies
(Southern Living, 2008)
3 cups of chopped pecans
3/4 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of dark Karo
3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon of salt
4 packages of Athens mini phyllo shells
I had every intention to take pics along the way. This is all I got…

I think I got distracted by the conversation in the background. Graham had just finished his dessert (Biscoff cookies dipped in Nutella) and SK was trying to clean him up.
“I look like I’m covered in poop. But if this is poop, I love poop.” -Graham
It was hard for me to get back on track after that. In case you didn’t lose your appetite, here’s the rest of the recipe.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roast the pecans for ten minutes. While the pecans are roasting (don’t forget to stir them occasionally), mix together the sugar and Karo. Add the eggs, butter, vanilla and salt. Once the pecans have cooled a bit, add them to the mix. Spoon some into each phyllo shell and bake for 20 minutes. Let them cool for 30 minutes on wire racks.
* Do not remove the phyllo shells from the freezer until you are ready to fill them. If they are the least bit thawed, the pies will be soggy. Blech.
* Sixty tiny pecan pies will not fit on one cookie sheet. Use two or cook in batches. Line the cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with Baker’s Joy.
* Do not overfill the shells or they will bubble over. When they do, you will give thanks for lining the cookie sheet with foil.
* You will be tempted to eat all sixty. Remove them from your house immediately.
* Do not put your Christmas tree up until the day after Thanksgiving. (Cough. Cough.)
I ran out of here so fast that I didn’t even get a photo of the finished product. My friend saved the day and snapped some pics in the teachers’ lounge. (Thanks again, Kelly!)

So good y’all. If you are traveling over Thanksgiving, they are perfect to make ahead and take along in airtight tins.
But, if you run out of time, Biscoff cookies dipped in Nutella are a delicious alternative.