Most blog posts this morning are about the Oscars or some sort of weekend recap. Not here. I like to be different. Edgy.
That is why this post is about January. Well, that and because I need to make some room on my iPhone.
We rang in the new year in Perdido. It was a little chilly, but we prefer to be cold at the beach instead of at home.

(I realize Wells’ eyes are closed, and G looks constipated in that pic. Every January a group from the company I work for flies to Houston for a photo. The running joke is that you better look okay in the CEO’s best photo because that is the one going in the annual report. I am the CEO of this blog.)

Graham passed out around 11 on New Year’s Eve. Before he fell asleep he said, “Do whatever it takes to wake me up at midnight.”

We managed to get him up, but I don’t think he remembered any of it the next day.

And, the first one to fall asleep had to clean up the confetti. (He actually woke up at the crack of dawn and cleaned it up without us asking.)

I made black eyed peas and cabbage because that’s how my mama raised me. The other members of the family were less than thrilled.

We asked the boys about their New Year’s resolutions. Wells said his was to fly on more planes. Graham said that he didn’t have one because he was already a better person.

On the way home, we stopped at The Wharf for some laser tag. The boys were not happy about having a girl on their team until I went sniper mode and took the other team out.
(Skyhawk= Wowie)
There was lots of January basketball.

Graham celebrated his 100th day of school by dressing up as a 100 year old.

And Wells chose Theodore Roosevelt for his wax museum project.

Wells read to Graham’s class, and they loved it (Graham especially).

Wells also told us that God has a path for us all. And that his path is away from Brussels sprouts.

We celebrated a couple of birthdays. (And since there isn’t anything else to do in January we really streeeeeeetched them out.)

Graham woke up on his birthday with both ears infected. After a visit to the doctor he said, “I’m six, I’m sick and it sucks.”

Since he missed school on his birthday, I thought I got out of the “class party.” Oh no. He reminded me daily for a week and a half, and then asked his teacher to email me about it. So. Much. Sugar.

He also wanted to have a SpongeBob movie party. The movie didn’t release until two weeks after his birthday, but we agreed because movie parties are the easiest parties ever.
Emily at Ruff Draft Papers did a great job on the invitations. It is hard to make SpongeBob cute, but I think she succeeded.

Please forgive me for the month late phone dump. The Wowie will be back to its regularly scheduled content (aka nothing) tomorrow. But please check back in May when I cover February through April.
I hope.