Category: Uncategorized
Little Gamers
Say hello to my boys. The shirtless wonders are playing video games. Yes, I know those are remote controls… but THEY don’t. Me: Time for bed. W: But Mama, I need to finish this Bideo game. Me: ??? W: Gus needs to finish his too… You: Who is Gus? Since we have a “no video…
Can’t get enough of you, love…
The following is a list of things that really light my fire this summer… 1. OPI’s Suzi Says Feng Shui nail polish… on toes of course. Couldn’t find a link. It’s smurfy. 2. Blue Diamond Lime ‘n Chili Almonds. Do you have a hundy a month to spend on almonds? If not, don’t try them.…
Twilight is like soccer…
They run around for two hours, nobody scores, and its billion fans insist, ‘you just don’t understand’! I’ve stayed up until midnight or later every night this week hurrying to finish Eclipse before I see the movie. Guess what? I am done with the book and it is on. Dear Edward and Jacob, I can’t…