Category: Uncategorized

  • you can ring my bell…

    I broke down and bought this pair of jeans. Yes, they are bell bottoms. No, that isn’t me in the picture (probably one of those models from Pukefest ’11). They are AG “Farrah” jeans. Now you know why I bought them. The question is, will I actually wear them? They are high-waisted, and I am…

  • Pancakes and Pajamas

    Have you tried Batter Blaster? I saw it at Walmart, and thought I’d give it a go. It is super easy… so easy a four year old can do it. (With adult supervision, of course) I love pancakes, and these were super yummy to me. But G is the pancake critic in our house… He…

  • I hate silent auctions

    An hour before we were supposed to hit the road, Wells yakked all over my bedroom. We postponed leaving to make sure it wasn’t a virus. We took him to eat Mexican (what better way to find out), and then shook him up real good. He did not spew. Must have been something he ate,…