Author: wowie
8 mile
Last week, my first baby bird turned eight. I could go on and on about how quickly they grow up, but, you know. I blinked and he is eight. If I blink again, he will be sixteen. Blink a few more times, and he will be throwing me in a home. Except he promised he…
friday five
After all the terrible weather this past week, looks like we are going to have a beautiful weekend. Speaking of, please keep all the good folks in Mississippi who were affected by the storms in your prayers. 1. The Cause If you would like to help by shopping for a new pair of kicks, Arco…
hoppy Easter
While other bloggers are posting recaps of their morning activities and delicious lunches, I am just getting around to Easter. Not that I am a blogger. If you call me that, I will likely curl into the fetal position and chew on my hair. It’s the same reaction I have when someone says kiosk, moist…