Author: wowie

  • these are the days

    Y’all. What is the deal with all the “days?” You know, like National Chocolate Day and National Tequila Day. Do we really need specific days set aside to eat chocolate and drink tequila? I do those things every day. (I kid.) Where did all these fake holidays come from? Are they sponsored? For example, was…

  • Beach Please

    We went to the beach at the beginning of June, and I’ve been meaning to post some photos from our trip. It took me a while to even look through them. I don’t know about you, but I go through mourning post vacation. My five stages of beach grief go a little something like this……

  • bruschetta makes it bettah

    We have an abundance of cherry tomatoes from our little garden. Last night, I got a little caprese cra-zay and whipped up the best bruschetta batch to date. It’s so easy it probably shouldn’t be posted on the internet, but it is just too good not to share. Chop some tomatoes, basil, chives and fresh…