I tend to use this place as a platform for sharing my issues. Hi, my name is Wowie and fill in the blank. Today, I would like to discuss packing. I know there are people in the world who can up and fly to another country in an hour’s notice. I am not one of those people.
When I go out of town it looks a little something like this…
1. A few weeks before, I decide I do not have any clothes. I also discover that my children have outgrown everything they own. A frantic online sale search ensues.
2. A week before, I must wash every item of clothing in our house. Even things that have zero chance of being packed. Hole-y Blue Mountain t shirt from 1999? Clean and ready to go.
3. During wash week, I also tackle procrastination projects like cleaning out closets and organizing my makeup drawer. Also, non-trip related tasks like backing up my laptop and supergluing a broken candlestick. Overdue thank you notes? Written. Must do all the things.
4. A couple of days before, I start making stacks. Stacks of stuff to take. Stacks of stuff I might take. Stacks of pancakes. Heaven forbid that, while making said stacks, I realize I can’t find something. For example, the bathing suit coverup I took on my honeymoon (that I didn’t even like then) suddenly becomes my favorite thing in the world. All forward progress screeches to a dramatic halt, and I rip through all the progress made (in step three) to find it. This could last hours. Even days. Sometimes I forget what I am even looking for.
5. The night before we are scheduled to leave, I finally break down and pack. At the last. possible. minute. I will stay up half the night under packing and then overpacking. I try on everything I own. After that, I clean the house. The next morning I am so worn out that I just want to bag the whole thing.
Once we arrive, I realize I don’t have about half of what I need and that I have tons of stuff I don’t. Like my “favorite” coverup from 2002 and a full set of luggage under my eyes. I am pretty sure this is one of those traits SK did not sign up for.
Please tell me I’m not alone. Or recommend a good therapist.
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