in the closet

“Why haven’t you written anything on your blog lately?” Because I have been doing important stuff like this…

We use this tiny closet under our stairs for storing gift wrap, gift bags, ribbon, etc. We? Who am I kidding? I use it. Anyway, it had gotten so packed full of boxes and bags that it took ninja-like skills to open and shut the door without causing an avalanche. In a fit of frustration, I pulled everything out, threw a bunch of it away (I was getting a little hoardy with the bows) and organized what was left.

I feel so free.

I have also been making turkey burgers… a lot.

So easy, and so good for you (or at least not super bad. They taste delicious with provolone cheese, avocado and turkey bacon. I just add salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce to the ground turkey, and SK grills them up for us. I could eat them every. single. day.

So that pretty much covers it. I cleaned out a closet and made some burgers. Then I posted it on the Internet.

And then you read it.

We live in a strange world.

6 responses to “in the closet”

  1. That sounds delicious with avocado. (I’m obsessed with avocado.)

  2. Really? That’s all you have to post? What about when I was with you for a week or your trip? Don’t you have kids? Post funny things that G does or says. Come on, Wowie…you can do better than this. I love you.
    p.s. I don’t mean to be sassy or anything.

  3. And now my day is complete. Thank you!

  4. Wowie?!? OMG. I had NO idea. Beck mentioned that she saw Stevie and his car had been flooded on High Street but I had no idea….Trust me I know how dangerous High Street can get in broad daylight. I am forever grateful that my sweet friend is going to be okay. Please take care and come visit soon or at least let’s get toghether in New Orleans. XOXOXO.

    1. Thanks, Ginny. I hope y’all are enjoying your new digs! I am in for New Orleans… the sooner the better.

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