1. The Most Important (Oat)meal of the Day

For several years, I didn’t eat breakfast. I was convinced that when I ate breakfast it made me hungry. Like starving by 10 am, eating anything I could get my hands on, hungry. Plus, I love cereal and cannot stop at one bowl. While this would not be a problem with Special K, piles of Fruity Pebbles aren’t exactly healthy. About a year ago (I think. But I also think I was 25 “about a year ago.”), I decided that I needed to eat breakfast again. Now I eat OatFit oatmeal every day. It has 100 calories per pack and is so good (even better if you add walnuts or pecans). I honestly look forward to making a mug of it when I get to work.
So sad. I need hobbies.
2. Octopi-jamas

Let me rephrase. I need hobbies other than going to Target. What is it about that place? Walking around Target alone for one hour puts me in a euphoric trance. The number of red buggy/Starbucks posts on Instagram proves I am not alone. (And also makes me hate myself.) I always end up buying something utterly ridiculous like these Nite Nite Munki Munki pajamas. I mean, these are clearly from the junior department, but I couldn’t resist (I did resist tucking them in as seen above). They are so soft and comfortable and covered in octopuses. And I was 25 about a year ago, so I get a junior department pass.
Whatever. I know better than to squid myself.
3. Night Reader, Night reader… We Know How To Do It

I have a sizable stack of unfinished books. I’ve read a significant amount of each one, but lost interest along the way. Every now and then, I begin a book and cannot put it down. I read “Me Before You” in two days. (Two nights actually. Not recommended. I almost fell asleep at work.) It isn’t the most light hearted book, but a definite must read in my opinion. I just started the sequel “Me After You,” so if you see me asleep in public, don’t wake me.
Unless I am still wearing those ridiculous pajamas.
4. It Just Adds Up

The fourth grade service project is a St. Jude Math-A-Thon. All the money raised goes directly to St. Jude, AND Wells has to do math. If you would like to donate, please click on this link.
It is a good cause and will hopefully cause good math grades.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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