I love October as much as the next basic girl, but I hate how fast it flies by. It doesn’t help that it is a super busy month for sports, my job and school events. Cram in the festive fall fun, and it all becomes a blur. And don’t get me started on the ol’ time change. I just woke up in our yard covered in fake spider webs and snickers wrappers. Not sure how long I’d been there.
Wells and Graham both played football… tackle for Wells and flag and soccer for G.

SK coached Wells’ team, so G assumed he was the assistant coach.

It was the 20 year anniversary of my homecoming queendom. I sang the national anthem at the game and didn’t pass out, so there’s that. I also didn’t wear my crown at the request of my family. But, that didn’t stop me from wearing it the rest of the weekend.

For fall break, we went to Memphis and to the Ole Miss/Tennessee game. We stopped at Graceland along with 4,758 other people.

It took Graham about 2.5 seconds to sit on the green velvet sofa with the DO NOT SIT sign.

Despite the shag carpet, Graceland is keeping with the times by offering guided tours via iPad. It took Graham 2.5 seconds to stick his hand in his mouth after he got a hold of one. I told him he might as well go ahead and lick it.

We stayed at the Peabody and had dinner at The Rendezvous. I love their sausage and cheese plate more than Starbucks in Target.

We got up bright and early on Saturday to watch the ducks do their thing…

Then we went to the game…

And then more ducks…

We went to a couple of fairs…

We adopted our newest family member, Handburger from some meth’d out carnies. You can call him Hand for short.

He has really made himself at home.

Hand isn’t 21, so he is technically an illegal alien.

Graham had 50’s day at school.

And Wells had an animal book report/pumpkin project. He chose a snake because it is the easiest animal to craft from a pumpkin.

Aunt Yaya said that I deserved an A on his project. I totally agree.

We decided it was time to watch some “scary” movies as the boys’ Gremlins nightmares have ceased. They watched Edward Scissorhands (“But HOW does he go to the bathroom?”), Ghostbusters and Beetlejuice.

We got Boo’d…

and Boo’d back…

On Halloween morning, we attended our sixth and final Hoe Down at the kindergarten. I was a little sad about it, but Graham told me we could go again next year if he gets held back. There’s always hope.

We spent the rest of the day getting ready for Halloween. You know, pumpkin carving, making candy bags and trying to make our house look spooky. We went to a neighborhood party and on a hay ride. My sweet mama stayed at our house and handed out candy. After seeing the hearse around the corner, I agreed with Wells that our halloween decorations are, in fact, “lame.”

Happy November!
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