Waaaaay back in September, SK turned forty. The boys and I threw a little party for him at home.

It almost had to be postponed due to technical difficulties. After I picked up the cupcakes, my key broke in half. I had to rig it back together. It took a minute, so I was late picking up the kids. And then the balloons tried to escape when Wells got into the car. In other words, a comedy of errors (per usual).

We went out to dinner and then had cupcakes at home. I bought the cupcakes at Fresh Market and added a chocolate covered strawberry (that I also purchased) to the top of each one. Move over, Martha.

Since forty is kind of monumental, I booked a place at the beach for the weekend. This was Graham’s reaction when I told him he and Wells were not invited.

We had a great time, although from the photos I took, it appears we only ate and had cocktails. Speaking of, Mr. Forty got carded twice. TWICE. And in case you are curious, Ms. Twenty Seven (cough cough gag) didn’t get carded at all.

Happy 40th, SK. Except you’re practically 41 now. Here’s to another decade with you.
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