When I was on maternity leave with Wells, I stumbled upon my love for cooking shows. I would hold him while he snoozed and watch the Food Network ladies make everything look so easy. (Except for Giada being a polly pocket even though she appears to eat nothing but carbs. Also, the fact that her lower body can support her top half. Both seem scientifically impossible.) One day, Paula Deen whipped up some Lemon Blossoms and my postpartum hormones just couldn’t resist. Y’all. They are so delicious. I only make them a couple of times a year because, unlike Giada, I can’t eat all the things. And if these little lovelies are around, well, they aren’t for long.

You will need:
18 1/2 -ounce package yellow cake mix
3 1/2 -ounce package instant lemon pudding mix
4 large eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
4 cups confectioners’ sugar
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1 lemon, zested
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 tablespoons water

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and mix the first four ingredients. These are great to make with kids. Or get kids to make for you. However you want to spin it.

Let me just go ahead and say that I did not purposfully coordinate their outfits with the stand mixer. And I also accept the fact that you don’t believe me.

Spray a mini muffin tin with plenty of Bakers Joy, and then fill each about half way.

This is the only part Wells and Graham didn’t do. They took a Spongebob break after citing some lame child labor law.

Bake the cupcakes for 12 minutes. While you are waiting, whip up the glaze. I lured them back with the lemon juicing, which they loved.

And I’m really glad, because that is my least favorite part.

When the blossoms are done baking, dip them into the glaze (while they are still warm).

Let them dry on wire racks for at least an hour.

It is a really, really long hour.

Suck it, lemonade.
Recipe can be found here.
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