After all the terrible weather this past week, looks like we are going to have a beautiful weekend. Speaking of, please keep all the good folks in Mississippi who were affected by the storms in your prayers.
1. The Cause
If you would like to help by shopping for a new pair of kicks, Arco Avenue is donating 100% of sales (through tomorrow) to Lousiville tornado victims. You can help others by helping yourself to a new pair of shoes. Win.
2. The Lounge
I mentioned a while back the need to recover the cushions on our screened porch. (Thanks for the input… it was much appreciated!) I am happy to report that I have made zero progress. Can’t. Make. A. Decision.
I did however order these chaise lounge chairs… Wicker Chaise Lounge in Light Brown.
We had a dining table on our patio until we figured out the mosquitos were enjoying their dinner more than we were. We moved the table to the screened porch and the patio was empty last summer. We thought about doing adirondack chairs, but I really wanted a place to stretch out and soak up some sun (under an umbrella and slathered with SPF 50). I had an issue with the first set I ordered, but Amazon replaced them. I couldn’t be happier with the second set. Unless they were sitting next to a grass bordered pool. Or the Gulf of Mexico.
3. The Palms
I picked up this bikini at Target a few weeks ago, and I love it.
Can’t you see it peeking out of my tank top? No? Here’s a better shot…
I really wanted some pillows in this print for the new lounge chairs but that would require much time and effort. This is way easier.
4. The Island
If you need a great book for the beach or pool (or your backyard lounge chairs), I highly recommend On the Island. I read the entire thing in less than 24 hours… it is that good.
5. The Entertainment
It is difficult to keep kids entertained so you can take a few minutes to shop online, lounge, sun, read. I know this. I also know that kids love Rocket Balloons. Seriously… keeps them busy for minutes. Possibly an hour.
Click over and check out all the Five on Friday posts over at A. Liz Adventures. Have a great weekend!
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