Happy 2014. We started the year off with a bang…

and then a bug…

Although, “bug” sounds just a tad too cute to describe it. It was terrible awful. Wells woke up with it on New Year’s Day. At first, we thought he was hungover (KIDDING), but it continued throughout the day. It is bad luck to do laundry on January 1st, so it isn’t the best time to dirty all the linens in the house. Wells wasn’t even able to eat the mandatory black eyed peas and cabbage. The rest of us ate extra in hopes we wouldn’t get sick. Graham asked us at least fifty times if we thought he would get it.
He did. And then SK got it. And then I got it. And then my mom got it. And then sweet Kailey. It came in like a wrecking ball.
While G was super sick he kept asking me for pesto. I thought it was some sort of “sick dog needs to eat grass” cry for help. No. He wanted Pepto. Bless him. The terrible awful spits on Pepto and then gives it a wedgie.

We all took to the bed for two days. I had flashbacks to the Beach Barf Fest of 2011. We sang the hallelujah chorus when it finally cleared out. At least it jumpstarted my annual resolution to drop 5 pounds.
Speaking of singing, ever since we saw Frozen, the songs have been on repeat in my head. Who am I kidding? I downloaded the soundtrack from iTunes. It has taken my annoying Disney princess voice to a whole new level. The boys run screaming from the room every time I belt out, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman.” SK included. I really need to “Let it Go.”
Speaking of movies, SK and I saw American Hustle last weekend. It was fantastic. I love a good 70’s movie. The clothes, the hair, the hilarious Jennifer Lawrence… so, so good. If I was a guy and knew Jennifer Lawrence, I would marry her. But I’m not and I don’t, so it’s not weird for me to say that.

Speaking of 70’s movies, I was in one the other day. The director from The Help is filming Get on Up in Natchez and Jackson. It is a biopic about James Brown, and I got to be an extra. The scene was a 1971 concert in Paris. The guy playing James Brown is amazing, and it seemed like I was really watching the original perform. It was so much fun. At least for the first five hours. Thankfully, the hair stylist used lots of Aqua Net on my 70’s do…

Speaking of hair, my favorite stylist Kristy Wells just opened Sage Salon and Color Bar in Jackson. Kristy and I go way back. Waaay back. Like, I’ve known her longer than I’ve known my husband. Sage is beautiful, and I am so proud of Kristy, Anne and Shelly. Graham told us his Sunday school lesson this morning was about the “blind headed” man that Jesus healed. I don’t know if Sage can help you if you are blind headed, but If you want to be blonde, give them a call… 601.487.0368.

Have a great week!
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