It is really hard to come up with an opening sentence while listening to the Von Trapps. Crazy thing is, I don’t think I ever saw the original Sound of Music. Bits and pieces here and there, but not the entire movie. I really need to find one of those kid dog whistles.
We had a great Thanksgiving holiday. Since the boys were out of school, Steve and I left them with Mawmaw and hightailed it to New Orleans. Don’t go feeling sorry for them. It was only one night, and I’m pretty sure they had more fun than we did.

Or maybe not. At least we made it home with our kidneys.
{A tale of two kidneys- When SK was a teenager word spread around town that he woke up in New Orleans in a tub full of ice. Story goes that there was a note next to him explaining that one of his kidneys had been taken and that he should dial 911 immediately. Of course none of it was true, but it went so far that the local paper had to print a article explaining it was an urban legend. Years later when SK and I started dating one of my aunts pulled me to the side and said, “You know that is the boy who had his kidney stolen?” It was the first I’d heard of it, and he explained later. But I checked him for scars, just to be sure.}
We spent the rest of the break with our families, watching parades, eating pecan pie and playing football. Oh, and my mom’s Thanksgiving centerpiece caught on fire and almost burned the house down. Dried leaves and candles don’t mix, y’all.

And watching football. When I was in high school, our football team won the state championship three years in a row. Last year, they won again. I had spirit finger flashbacks watching Kailey cheer in that game. Such a fun thing to experience. This year’s south state championship game was the day after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, they lost the game and I lost my voice from yelling so much. My kids were super bummed and they don’t even go there.

Graham came back and told his sweet teacher that he went to see his granddaughter cheer. She figured it out, but I bet there are some pretty confused four year olds in his class.
The next day, we got our tree and have been making the place festive this week. At one point, I was covered in more glitter than a drag queen on Bourbon Street.

Only five ornaments have shattered so far. It probably doesn’t help that we’ve been rocking around the tree to the Billie Holiday holiday station on Pandora. There is probably a good chance NBC will pick it up for next year’s live performance.
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!
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