Per usual, Santa came early to see the boys. I’m not sure how they have managed to stay on the early list. They must’ve been grand Father Christmas’d in.

While the boys were leaving out cookies and milk, Graham asked why Santa doesn’t have diabetes from eating millions of cookies. Then he said, “It must be all the healthy milk.”

We have been Christmas break-ing it down around here. Roadtrips, movies, sleepovers with friends and spending lots of time with family. Oh, and eating. It is a full on fat fest.

(I finally got my Easy Bake. Actually, Graham got my Easy Bake but he is willing to share.)

Graham asked for a zip line for Christmas. We vetoed, but he did get to test one out at a friend’s house. He has a birthday coming up and once again it is at the top of the list.

My Daddy asked Graham to tell him his favorite Christmas gift. Graham replied, “Jesus is my favorite gift and my family is second.”
Good answer, G… good answer.

And then he ran off singing Wrecking Ball.
We hope you and your family had a fantastic Christmas.
Start the new year off right… make sure you eat your blackeyed peas and cabbage.
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