Another Friday, another five. Solid gold edition. Let’s go…
1. Anthopologie Luminous Dot Pillow

I have nothing to say about this pillow. Except that I want it.
2. Target Gold Stemless Glasses

Picked up these jewels at Target. Bonus points – plastic. They don’t shatter when you hurl them at people who decorate for Christmas in October. “But Wowie! If we decorate early we can enjoy it for an entire quarter.” If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, then every day would be Christmas. But that is not the case, so deflate that giant Santa.
Double bonus – dishwasher safe. No need to hand wash after you inevitably miss and it lands in the gutter. You were cut from the softball team… don’t act surprised.
Gresham Jewelry

In case you haven’t heard (you have), tassels are hogging the spotlight right now. I picked up this leather tassel bracelet with gold accents from Gresham at Mistletoe Marketplace, and I love it. I also dig the long tassel necklaces.
Josie Maran Hair Serum

I got this hair oil during the Sephora sale. It has a gold tone that makes hair super shiny (not glittery) and smells like lavender. I need to shimmer down because at the rate I’m going, it will be gone next week.
5. And the gold star goes to…

My niece Kailey. Her ACT score came in this week. She made a thirty (30!)…in tenth grade. She is the youngest person in her school’s history to score that high. We always sort of suspected she was bright.

Congrats Kailey! So, so proud of you.
I will close with words of wisdom I picked up during my brief stint as a Brownie (which seems long compared to my softball career):
“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.”
But, the gold one looks better with your outfit.
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