SK had a birthday in September. Despite the fact that he doesn’t age, we make him go along with the charade. If he doesn’t hurry up and turn me into a vampire, I’m screwed.

See… He is 39. I have the candles to prove it.

For the past few years we have gone on a fall beach trip to celebrate. This year, we spent a long weekend in Seaside. On the way, we stopped at Felix’s in Mobile. If nothing else, we are consistent. As I was helping Graham out of the truck, SK’s iPad did a nosedive on the pavement. G tried to pin it on me and vice versa. Either way, the pad was in pieces. Happy birthday, SK!
When we got to Seaside we went straight to Publix because that is what we do. Consistent. We asked Wells and G to pick out some chips, but when we rounded the corner we found this:

Boxing with huggies in the beer aisle. Y’all. I don’t know why we attempt to take them anywhere.
The weather was great. The water was great. There were a few of those stinging flies, but that kept us from feeling too guilty about getting to hang out in paradise for a weekend.

In case you didn’t know, G gets up with the chickens. As much as we tried to convince him to sleep in, he was up by 6:30 every morning. We would sneak out so the other boys didn’t wake up. I don’t mind getting up early if there is a beach within walking distance.
Graham would do his good morning sunshine routine…

and then we would just sit back and take it in.

then do it again the next day…

One morning, Wells went with us on our early morning walk. We met a little fella named George and his uncle, and they let us crash their fishing party.

While we were standing around, Graham was having a hard time coming up with something to say to George. Finally, he blurted out that he voted for Obama.

George was not impressed.
Here are (more than) a few pics from the trip…

Happy birthday, SK. I am so thankful that you are my fish in the sea.
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