The tree is up and we are officially in the Christmas spirit.

It’s been a while, so how about a friday four? These are a few of my fav-o-rite things this holiday season…
1. Ebates
Do y’all use Ebates? It is a website you shop through (at stores like J. Crew, Piperlime, Etc.) to earn cash back. I know, I know… “Duh. Have you been under a rock, Wowie?” In my defense, I signed up in 2011, but forgot to use it. I have done about 90% of my Christmas shopping through it and have over $100 in my cash back account. All my friends from work will testify that I am slightly obsessed with it. It is a game now, and I am ordering gifts based on the highest cash back percentages. I hope Wells and Graham like their arrangement from 1-800 Flowers.
2. Snack Factory White Chocolate and Peppermint Pretzel Chips

I bought these at Whole Foods in New Orleans when I was headed back to Mississippi from a work trip. I intended on sharing them but ate the entire bag before I reached the state line. I thought I was safe from their evil, delicious powers (since we don’t have a Whole Foods yet), but no. They are available EVERYWHERE. Target, Fresh Market, Walmart… you name it. Oh well. I will go to the gym on January 2nd and all will be well with my pants again.
3. Josie Maran Argan Luscious Lips

Here we go with the Argan oil again… I love this stuff. It makes your lips look all shiny and super model-y. It is also super moisturizing and has recently replaced my Rosebud Salve at bedtime. (Sephora has 8% cash back on Ebates today. See? I have a problem.)
4. Bows

Maybe it is because of all the gifts I’ve been wrapping, but I am really into bows right now. I got these J. Crew bow earrings and have been wearing them nonstop. I also got these Vince Camuto Verona pumps for a steal at Belk recently.

I needed them for a Christmas party but have been wearing them to work and church too. I love the gold detail and the chunky heel. Plus, they are super comfortable… which is saying a lot for four inch heels.
Happy Friday, my friends. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. XOXO

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