Month: November 2012
time flies and flies sting
There are so many things that I intend to post here… pictures, recipes, various rants. Unfortunately, I have little time left at the end of each day. Today, my to-do list had 16 tasks. Sixteen! I am proud that I accomplished 15 of them. Sorry, Teddy… I promise I will feed you tomorrow. (Teddy is…
A Christmas Letter…
Dear Christmas, Hello, old pal. I hope you are well. Judging from the number of catalogs I’ve received on your behalf, you are just grand. That’s actually what I’m writing to you about. No disrespect, but can you simmer down a little? Each year, you inch more and more into my territory, and I let…
In case you think I’m not weird…
The older you get, the more you realize your “quirks.” I have quite a few. One of my favorite quotes is, “The only normal people you know are the ones you don’t know very well.” Makes me feel better about myself, because I am weird. A few examples… I call my parents every day. Every.…