Yesterday was a good day. I went to work, had a great (long) lunch, went to the gym and chilled with my three favorite boys when I got home.
Then I looked at Pinterest, and my day seemed a little blah. I decided I needed a do over. So here goes…
I got up extra early and whipped up some homemade french toast in my white (spotless) kitchen.

Then, I cut the perfectly fine french toast into squares and skewered it with fruit… you know, because it is cuter that way. Juice? Fresh Squeezed, duh. Wells made place cards… isn’t he thoughtful?

Of course, I didn’t actually eat the french toast. I had this instead…

Because if I didn’t, my abs wouldn’t look like this…

Why are you laughing? I am ripped from reading all those circuit training pins. Next the boys and I did crafts…

Jack? Graham is such a jokester. After crafts we decided to take a dip in our grass-bordered pool to wash off all the ink, glue, finger paint (also homemade) and glitter.

Did I mention Ryan Gosling is our pool boy? I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.

The boys decided to jump on the in ground trampoline for a while…

Aren’t they getting big? They got into a little scuffle so I had to be all

Next, I went back to the kitchen (still spotless) and whipped up a yummy lowfat crockpot casserole and cocktails in mason jars. Don’t judge. It is always 5 o’clock in Pinterestville.

I decided I didn’t like my outfit, so I shopped in my super organized closet for another…

Do you like my dress? It’s vintage. The hair? It just happened when I took down my fishtail braid. I hated to be all dressed up with no place to go, so we hooked up the Airstream and took a little road trip…

It is good to unwind after a long day of cooking, crafting, swimming, drinking, camping and all around perfectness.
For the rest of the day, we all just lounged around on our king-sized hammock in the middle of nowhere.

All photos via Pinterest except the abs. Those are mine.
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