Month: January 2012
mommy fight club
We’ve all been there. Standing in the grocery store, witnessing the fit of all fits. A level five conniption. Little Jr. doesn’t want to stay in the buggy/wants to open the Cheerios/pours said Cheerios all over the aisle. His poor mama is flustered and embarrassed as you push your buggy through the cereal road block.…
let me eat cake
Well, technically it was last weekend. I know, I know. I forgot to remind you like last year. Thankfully, a couple of folks remembered. Stevie and the boys took me to brunch and afterwards we had a little party at home… That night, we went to dinner and a movie ALONE thanks to our sweet…
The boys had some pretty strange requests for Santa this year. Wells asked for a flying shark, and Graham wanted a space station. They also wanted advent calendars and a menorah (we aren’t Jewish). To keep things under control, we implemented a “three gifts from Santa” policy when W was a baby. It makes sense,…