Before I can move forward with Thanksgiving and Christmas, I need to wrap up October. First, a few pictures from the fair. Graham has no fear, and wanted to ride everything. Wells… not so much. But, he really did enjoy the ones he decided to ride.

This is likely where G contracted the booty cooties. We rode the sky lift and halfway through, Wells shoe fell off. A stranger was waiting with it when we got off. At first, we thought it hit her in the head, and she was about to get even. Nope. She saw it fall and brought it all the way (a long way) to the exit. There are still nice folks in the world.
The weekend after the fair we left for the four-day trip (that turned into nine) to visit SK’s grandmother in North Carolina. On the first day, we drove to Chattanooga, Tennessee. We stopped at Ruby Falls, but decided to take the boys to “See Rock City” instead.

That night, we stayed at the historic Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel. Our room was a converted train car. My train loving kids were in heaven.

The next day, we drove to Asheville to visit Mawmaw K. We were so happy to see her and her new home. It was such a beautiful place, and she seemed to be settling in nicely. It was her birthday weekend, so we brought her some happies and took her to eat at Tupelo Honey Café. During dinner, I could tell something was wrong with G because he wanted me to hold his head. If you have never tried to eat while holding a baby’s face, you should try it…quite challenging. I checked his temp when we got checked into the hotel and it was 102.5. Poor baby.

The following day, Graham and I sat in the car while Wells and SK visited with Mawmaw. We weren’t sure if he was contagious and didn’t want to be the grandchildren that gave her a hospital stay for her birthday. It was great to see Mawmaw, but I wish we could have spent more time with her.
After we said our goodbyes, we drove to the Chimney Rock area. I had been there many moons ago, and wanted the kids to see it. G was not a happy camper, so we just stopped to get apples, some cider and look at the river.

That night, we stayed in Atlanta. The on call doctor back home told me to give Graham some Benedryl for the rash, which was really starting to spread. Big mistake. The child is allergic to Benedryl just like his weird mama. He was up all. night. long. At one point, he told me that spiders were crawling on him.

The next morning, we packed up and headed for home. You know the rest of that story…

Wells’ school had 50’s day on the 50th day of school. I have to show you a picture. You know, in case he wasn’t embarrassed enough already. Check out those burns…

Well maybe I won’t make it through October after all. I am out of time, and I have a sweet potato casserole to make. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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