Can you believe September is over already? Where has this year gone? I am sad to see it go by so fast, but I am looking forward to cooler weather. Fall might be my favorite. Football, boots, taco soup, sweaters, Halloween, Halloween candy… the list goes on and on. I am currently trying to talk SK into replicating the above photo (via Coastal Living) in our back yard. How awesome would that be? We could sit around the fire (I would be wearing a cuter scarf), sipping wine and watching the kids roast marshmallows. Or, we would be forced to construct a human shield around the fire to keep G out while simultaneously trying to get melted marshmallow out of Wells’ hair. Either way, I still want need it. One little problem is standing in my way– SK isn’t very handy. Don’t be offended, Stevie baby… you know you aren’t. But, you are very good at contracting out this type of thing, so why don’t you go ahead and get on it?
Or, you could just stop by the store on your way home and get me some Snickers pumpkins. Totally up to you…
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