In case you missed it, Target launched a designer collaboration with Missoni this week. I stopped by on opening day at 8:30, and was certain I would have my pick of the collection. Boy was I wrong. That shizz was wiped out. Keep in mind Target opens at 8. It was madness. I saw two girls with buggies full of Missoni mediums hiding in the shoe department. I was tempted to scream, “HOARDERS!” but I did not. I guess I looked like I was going to cry or cut someone, because a nice girl offered me her discards. I ended up with two awesome sweater dresses. (Thank you kind stranger.) I tried to order a couple of other things I really wanted online, but the website crashed for most of the day. When it finally came back up, everything I wanted was sold out. You better bet your britches I’ll be there at 7:45 next time.
I broke out dress number one yesterday. I wore it with my JCrew Minnies because I cannot afford another workplace dress code violation. That baby is short. I paired it with Nine West heels and this cute pair of Stella and Dot earrings, which remained unseen due to the pageant hair.

At first, I had this pair of Leopard heels on with the outfit, but decided to go with the peep toe because my Chanel Peridot toe polish makes me happy. Have you seen this color? It is sort of an Army green, gold, iridescent color. Me likey…

Well, that is enough about that. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
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