We had a great time in NYC. We went for a long weekend to celebrate Wells’ birthday, and because we haven’t been in a couple of years. We heart NY, and go whenever we have a chance. Plus, Wells hearts firetrucks, and fire trucks are from New York. At least that is what he thinks, based on his FDNY videos. Please pause for a note to G…
Dear G,
I am sorry you are getting the shaft. Wells didn’t go on trips when he was two. Promise. It isn’t like you care at this point anyway. You had a blast in Stringer (suck it, New York), and didn’t want to leave when I picked you up. And, we brought you that cool snow globe. Plus, I promise to make it up to you one day. When you are five, I’m sure we will take you to Captain D’s for dinner and maybe swing by the bowling alley on the way home.
Where was I? Oh yes, fire trucks. Our first afternoon there, Wells made friends with some of the guys from the department.

That night we had dinner at Babbo. I think Steve and I have been to Babbo on every trip we’ve made to NY. And, I get the same thing each time… black spaghetti. So good. So. SO. Good.

The next day, (Wells’ 5th birthday!) we visited the New York Fire Museum…

Afterwards, we had lunch at our favorite Mexican place, Dos Caminos (the one in Soho). If you know me, you know how much I love guacamole. Dos Caminos takes it to another level. I cannot believe I just typed “takes it to another level,” but it is just that good. I lust their Guac.

That afternoon, we shopped around Soho and on Broadway. We had dinner at a place near our hotel called Quality Meats. Bet the Vegans are flocking to it. Before we left for dinner, the sweet peas at the hotel had a little surprise for Wells.

To be continued…
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