Happy Friday! I haven’t done a list in a while, so here are some of my current faves.
Mrs. Meyer’s countertop spray and dish soap in Iowa pine. It smells like a fresh cut frasier fir. Especially good if your Christmas tree doesn’t smell. This year, I got it at TJ Maxx, but have found it at World Market and Everyday Gourmet before.
Mrs. Meyer’s Iowa pine candle. Same deal. Smells fantastic, but you don’t have to clean anything. Got it at Target.
Thymes Frasier Fir candle and room spray. Someone gave me both of these a couple of years ago. I love them, but only bring them out in December. I think I have a thing for fir.
Paperwhites. I planted these the weekend after Thanksgiving. I cannot wait until they bloom. They are so pretty at Christmas.
Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch. Hold me back. I cleaned out Target on I-55.
Fresh Sugar Tinted Lip Treatment in Rose. It goes on sheer with a perfect rosy tint, and it makes your lips feel amazing. It might have crack in it because I seem to be addicted. On a side note, please don’t make fun of my man hands. It is Christmas.
Chewy Vitamins for adults. I have never been one to take my vitamins until I found these. They are super tasty, and don’t make you gag for an hour after you take them. They also make a Pre-Natal chewy vitamin for any of you preggos out there. I know vitamins are a weird thing to be obsessed with. And Y’all already know that I am crazy.
Target thermal long leggings. Only available in olive green online. The store has charcoal and a heather brown color. They are so comfortable and super long which is rare in a legging. P.S. It is hard to take a picture of your own legs.
Green Mountain K cups in Spicy Eggnog. De-lish and 100% less calories than regular eggnog. There’s that wonky hand again.
I will round out the list with something I do not like. I hate when people write/type/say “Xmas”. Really? We are so super busy that we can’t squeeze in four extra letters? With all the hustle, bustle and commercialization, haven’t we taken Christ out of Christmas enough already? Let’s all simmer down and remember the reason for this oh so special season. Can I get an “amen, sister”? Thanks. I knew you were always on my side.
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