Last weekend SK and I went to New Orleans for the Saints game. That isn’t Steve dressed as a pilgrim. It is some random at the game that I thought looked like the guy from The Hangover. The game was fun, but it was nuts. Everyone but us was wearing Saints attire. Well… everyone but us and the pilgrim guy.

Drew Brees was awesome. He is my boyfriend, but he doesn’t know it. Yet.
There were lots of folks from Jackson in New Orleans for the Ole Miss game. My bestie Candace and her hubby were staying at the same hotel as us, and we hung out Friday night. I know. I am backtracking.

Saturday we shopped and watched the Ole Miss/LSU game on TV. I predicted Ole Miss would win. Glad I didn’t put any money on it.
Two things-
#1 The Anthropologie in the Shops at Canal Place will rock your face off.
#2 Felipe’s in the French Quarter has the best nachos I have ever had. EVER.
Saturday night we had dinner at Irene’s Cuisine. Love it. Brad and Angelina and all their beautiful babies eat there. Unfortunately, they weren’t there Saturday night. But there was a boil water notice.

I pretended we were famous. I asked the waiter to take our pic and then shouted, “NO photos, please! Can’t we get a little privacy?” Sunday before the game, we went to Magazine Street to look around. My favorite shop is Sucre. YUM.

It was a fun trip, but we were happy to get home to our babies. I am thankful for them (and for my sweet parents that kept them for us). And for the rest of my family. And for you. Awwww. I hope you have a happy holiday.
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