More like Greenwood, Mississippi, but whatever. Remember when I told you about the casting call here? Well guess what? They called and I am headed to Greenwood to play a Jackson Jr. Leaguer in the benefit scene. No smarty pants, I didn’t give her my dress. And I don’t have a speaking role either. It is sort of like, hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cause they’re casting errbody out here. (If you don’t know what I am talking about click here. I apologize for not sharing with you already. I am so dumb. For real.) It is true. My husband is in it. And our realtor. And our realtor’s wife. And my friend from work. And my friend’s neighbor’s sister’s doctor. We aren’t all in the same scenes so carpool is out the window. I got fitted for my costume a few weeks ago and since then I have been less than fired up. I will be wearing a two-tone brown burlap bridesmaids dress from the 60’s. It. Is. Hideous. I mean, I could handle it for one day but I am scheduled to be there for six. SIX days in the same ugly brown dress. Not to mention I wouldn’t walk down the street in the thing but I am supposed to wear it in a movie? I am however, perfectly aware that I could wear ugly brown for six (up to twelve hour) days and only end up on the cutting room floor. I can see it now. Opening weekend. All my family and friends at the Malco (you know, because they are all in it too) and NO sign of Wowie.
Me: Wait! You see that lady in the back corner?
You: No
Me: Yes in the back corner of the room, next to the exit, sort of in the shadows…
You: The one with the huge beehive?
Me: YES!! Do you see her?
You: Yes… is that YOU?
Me: No. But I was standing right behind her.
My friend Kathryn (Burkhalter, not Stockett) said, “Stop complaining. You are in the freaking movie”. Don’t get me wrong. It is exciting and will probably be a lot of fun. Who knows? I might be “discovered” and offered a leading role in an upcoming Dreamworks film. I will demand my own trailer and no ugly brown dresses. Run and tell that, homeboy.
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