SK had a work thing in Monterey, so Wells and I tagged along. We went out a day early to spend one night in San Francisco. For a week before we left, Wells was an angel. An hour into the flight from Atlanta to San Fran, I needed a baby taser. I said, “I should have left you with Nan and Papaw”. He looked at me with an evil glare and said, “well it’s too late now, lady”. Uh oh. He calmed down, and after a couple of bloody marys so did I. When we got to San Francisco we headed to the rental car place. SK had rented a convertible (hello… it is California) and we got upgraded to a Volvo because they were out of everything else. Mama was fired up. It only lasted a hot second because we had more luggage than the little cutie would hold. Seriously? Three of us, four nights and we can’t fit in a Volvo? We tried everything. Suitcases in the backseat, suitcases in the front. It would have worked but SK wouldn’t agree to take a cab to the hotel.

It worked out for the best because it was wicked cold in San Francisco. I know you don’t believe me. I was there and I’m still not sure about it myself. When we left Jackson it was 102 in the shade. SK told me the average temp would be 65 and to pack accordingly. What? That is like buying a swimsuit in January. Or a fur coat in July. It just doesn’t make sense. So I brought clothes for both. Hence the luggage and the full size sedan.

Our hotel in San Fran was super nice. Wells was spoiled from the second we walked in. Balloons, a stuffed animal, activity book… it was ridiculous. The room was great and the view was even better.

I really wanted Wells to ride the cable car because it is my favorite thing about the city. I know it is super touristy but I don’t care. I just hang off the thing humming the rice-a-roni song… I love it. We took it to Fisherman’s Wharf and had dinner at Scoma’s (also touristy but good). After dinner we had milkshakes in Ghirardelli Square (touristy) and took a cable car back to Union Square (yep, touristy). What do you expect? It was Wells first time to visit and we wanted him to see the sites.

We slept in on Sunday and then went shopping. Mama got some white jeans… score. Daddy got a new pair of shoes. Wells got 100 compliments on his hat. I don’t think people in California had ever seen a kid in a hat. By the way, I hope you like it. You will be seeing a lot of it. Wells loves it… calls it his “magic hat” and keeps his lucky penny in it. We got it at Little Red in Watercolor, FL. (The shop is adorable if you are ever in the area.) By the end of the trip Wells was like, “I know, I know… you like the hat…” He really is a nice kid. Really.
To be continued…
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