We went to the beach at the beginning of June, and I’ve been meaning to post some photos from our trip. It took me a while to even look through them. I don’t know about you, but I go through mourning post vacation. My five stages of beach grief go a little something like this…
1. Denial and Isolation- “What? Can a girl not enjoy a Corona at her desk at 11:15?”
2. Anger- “Check the Powerball ticket again. CHECK IT.”
3. Bargaining- “We can sell our house, homeschool our kids and open a hotdog stand. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
4. Depression- “I’m going to be alone (doing laundry) forever.”
5. Acceptance- “I guess I will go ahead and download the pics from my iPhone because it is full.”
It is a slow and painful process. Sort of like looking at 100 million photos from someone else’s vacation.
You’ve been warned.
We went to Seaside again this year and had a wonderful time. We switched rentals at the last minute, and the house we ended up with was great.

Wells and Graham loved playing on the beach (they really didn’t have much choice), and we loved watching them.

Graham got an ear infection mid-stay but 24 hours and some antibiotics later, he was good to go.

He also napped at the beach almost every day. At least it wasn’t at dinner each night as in prior years.

Actually, we all got in on the (lack of) action. Maybe we needed a mid-day siesta because Graham got up at 6:45 EVERY day.

One morning we walked outside and found this guy chilling by the outdoor shower…

A nice guy walking by stopped and PICKED UP the snake and took it away, and Graham was like…

And I was like, Graham don’t EVEN think about EVER picking up a snake, young man. The rest of the trip was thankfully uneventful.

The only item on the agenda, other than beaching and napping, was eating.

Toward the end of our trip, we moved to Perdido because SK had a work thing. Related, I would like to have work things in Perdido. Yaya sent me an article about an infestation of sharks in the area, so we stuck with the pool.

And then we came home with a nothing but a hermit crab, a loser Powerball ticket and 1000 pictures to show for it.

But as soon as I’m done with this laundry, I’m ready to go back.
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