A lot of people ask me about my big hair. And by a lot, I mean like two. Maybe three. Anyway, I thought I would devote this Friday Four to my favorite hair tricks and products. Some of this you’ve seen here before, but I think it is worth repeating. If you don’t like southern bouffant, pageant hair, you should probably just skip to the last paragraph.
1. wash it
Duh, right? But, the trick is finding the right combo, and then switching up every two to three times you wash your hair. These are my favorite combos.
Bumble and Bumble Quenching Shampoo and Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask
Bumble and Bumble Creme De Coco Shampoo (smells so, so good) and Bumble Super Rich or Surf Cream Conditioner
My hair is on the dry side and color treated (I know you are SHOCKED), so these are all super hydrating. If your hair is thin or lacks volume, I highly recommend trying a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. I wish I could use them, but I wouldn’t be able to fit through the door frame.
2. condition it
I know we all think the way we do things is the “right” way, but if you put conditioner on your roots, you are sabotaging your own head. Don’t do it. Conditioner on the scalp weighs down hair and makes it oily, so only apply it from the ears down. Let it sit for a minute, and then rinse with cold water. Something about cold water closes the hair cuticle blah, blah, blah. And I mean COLD. Like turn off the hot, completely cold. I have been doing this for 17 years, and I have only had pneumonia once.
3. blow it
Before drying your hair, use a detangler and comb through with a wide tooth comb. I use Bumble and Bumble Prep. After combing, set your hairdryer on the highest heat and air setting. The trick is to flip your hair over and dry from underneath. When you get a little of the moisture out, add Morrocan Oil (only ears down) and a volumizer to the roots. I make sure mine is 90% dry before I flip it back over. When the head rush goes away, I use a paddle or round brush to smooth it out. The last step is hitting it with the cool air setting on your hairdryer.

4. curl it
I love my Sultra Bombshell curling wand. It is so fast, and the curls really last. Like for days. It takes me about 5 minutes to curl my hair, but it is hard to explain the process. I would do one of those hair tutorial things on YouTube, but y’all would make fun of my accent. Of course, a regular curling iron or hot rollers would work too. After you curl it, make sure to set it with lots of hairspray. I like Elnett (get fragrance free because the other smells like a dirty pilgrim) and Bumble and Bumble Classic. No, I am not paid by Bumble and Bumble. If they did, I would use the money to buy stock in their hairspray.
This is not a very good shot of the finished product. But, considering 110% humidity and a seven year old photographer, it will do. Plus you get to see my handcuff pose. WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT?

Since I am linking up with April (who has beautiful, big hair) from A. Liz Adventures’ Five on Friday, my number one hair trick…
5. spray it

I know y’all read all that and thought, HIGH MAINTENANCE. But considering I only wash and style my hair a couple of times a week, it really isn’t that bad. On the off days, I use dry shampoo. It gives your hair instant volume. I like Pssssst and Batiste. They are both available at drugstores and Ulta. If you have never used dry shampoo, please try it. I promise you will like it.
Thanks for all the sweet comments on the blog birthday post. I went back to make sure I didn’t title the giveaway, “Sucking Up for Seahorses.” Seriously, y’all are just too sweet. I appreciate (and am surprised) that anyone other than my mom actually reads my ramblings. I will draw on Monday, so there is still time to enter. NO COMPLIMENTS NECESSARY TO WIN.
Now get to work on that hair and have a great weekend!
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