There are so many things that I intend to post here… pictures, recipes, various rants. Unfortunately, I have little time left at the end of each day. Today, my to-do list had 16 tasks. Sixteen! I am proud that I accomplished 15 of them. Sorry, Teddy… I promise I will feed you tomorrow. (Teddy is our “pet squirrel”… there is actually a yard full of squirrels, but Wells calls them all Teddy.) We went to the beach in September for SK’s birthday. I had planned to post pictures when we got home, but it never happened. Now, two three months later, I have time to do so. Let’s hope the Blog Board doesn’t issue demerits.
We went back to Grayton Beach because we had such a wonderful time last year. Thanks to Hurricane Issac, the water wasn’t quite as pretty this year. And it rained. And there were stinging flies (we’ll discuss that later).

We toured the Coastal Living house in Rosemary Beach, and it was amazing. We were totally going to buy it (in my dreams), but someone beat us to it. For whatever reason, we decided it would be okay for Graham to go inside. As we were looking at the master bathroom, he hit the button to turn on the shower (while standing in it). It was so high tech, we couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. Good times. Needless to say, he did not finish the tour. Erika and the team from Urban Grace did a fantastic job on the interior design. Everything was stunning…

We also gave SK a beach birthday party. He doesn’t really like cake, but how can you have a party without one?

The day before we came home, the flies had gotten so bad that we couldn’t even stay at the beach. There were thousands of them swarming around and biting every chance they got. I’ve never seen anything like it, y’all. I kept waiting for the locusts and other plagues to arrive. Graham and Wells stuck it out for a while, but eventually had to retreat.

We finally made a break for the car, but so many were on and around SK that he volunteered to walk back. Bless him.

Of course, the day we had to leave was gorgeous…

Despite the negatives, we had a great time. And can you believe that Graham didn’t ask “how much longer until we are home?”
Not even once.

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