Happy Friday, love bugs. I hope you are having a good week. If you are not, watch the season finale of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” I promise you will feel a lot better about your situation. Shhhhh, it’s a poodle.
And now the Friday Four…
1. Simmer Pot

I love all things fall… most people do. Boots, pumpkins, candy corn trail mix… the list goes on and on. To make it feel a little more like fall (it is still a tad warm here), I like to simmer a pot filled with spices on the stove. My favorites are pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon. I also add apple peels, pear cores, lemons… whatever I have on hand. Closer to Thanksgiving, I add nutmeg and cloves. No chemicals and the entire house smells delicious. Too delicious, actually. SK is always disappointed when he sees it boiling and realizes there is no pie. At least he loses his appetite when I offer to pour him a glass.
2. Batiste Dry Shampoo

We have discussed dry shampoo before. I am not giving up my Pssssst, but I recently tried Batiste and really like it. It is serious business and a little goes a long way. You might want to open a window before you use it. After I spray this stuff, it looks like a crop duster flew over the bathroom.
Whatever it takes for thirty extra minutes of sleep.
3. Sultra The Bombshell Curling Rod

I bought this curling rod about a year ago and cannot express to you how much I love it. Here are the reasons. 1) It is so much easier than a standard curling iron. 2) It is way faster than using a flat iron or hot rollers. 3) The curls last for days… yes, days. (IF you don’t wash your hair… see #3 above). Combining the dry shampoo and the curling rod produces some big hair (if you are into that sort of thing).

But with all good things, there is a little bad. It gets really, really hot. Weapon hot. Do not drop this thing on your leg while sitting criss cross applesauce in front of your hotel mirror. Or do, if you want to be twinsies.

(I really should have tried to flex my calf “muscle.”)
4. White Fudge Animal Cookies

The Friday four would not be complete without a treat from Target. These cookies are ridiculously good. And a good source of calcium. It says so right on the front of the three pound jug. Heck, I don’t even like cookies. I just eat these instead of taking vitamins.
Have a good weekend!
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