Last weekend we planted our backyard veggie garden. I know what you are thinking, but I AM from Jasper county. We plant tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and herbs. My Dad built the above ground box a few years ago, and we have really enjoyed it.

See G in the background? He really has a green thumb.

Here is Wells watering “the crops”…

And here he is back in 2009…

It is unreal how fast time goes by. Makes me sad. Switching gears…
Nan: You know there is a cobra loose in New York? I saw it on Fox News.
Me: I did not. Why are you telling me this?
Nan: Y’all are going to New York, aren’t you?
Me: In like a month…
Nan: Well you can’t go if they don’t find that Cobra. They set up a twitter channel for it.
Me: Whaaaaa? The snake is on twitter?
Nan: You should tweet it.
Me: I am so confused.
Nan: Tweet the snake on his channel. Or google it to your blog. He has a lot of tweeters.
Me: (cannot reply because I am laughing so much I begin to snort)
By the end of the conversation, we were both laughing so hard we just had to hang up. Thank you for making my day, Nan. XOXO
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