Tag: recipes
live and let pie
Last week, I made a sweet treat for teacher appreciation snacks. Nothing says appreciation and thanksgiving like pecan pie. This bite size version is so easy and delicious. Mini Pecan Pies (Southern Living, 2008) 3 cups of chopped pecans 3/4 cup of sugar 3/4 cup of dark Karo 3 large eggs (lightly beaten) 2 tablespoons…
When life gives you lemons…
When I was on maternity leave with Wells, I stumbled upon my love for cooking shows. I would hold him while he snoozed and watch the Food Network ladies make everything look so easy. (Except for Giada being a polly pocket even though she appears to eat nothing but carbs. Also, the fact that her…
bruschetta makes it bettah
We have an abundance of cherry tomatoes from our little garden. Last night, I got a little caprese cra-zay and whipped up the best bruschetta batch to date. It’s so easy it probably shouldn’t be posted on the internet, but it is just too good not to share. Chop some tomatoes, basil, chives and fresh…