Category: Uncategorized

  • Death and Taxes

    One of my resolutions for 2017 was to blog more. I feel really good about it. Unlike my other resolution… to not turn forty. I really didn’t have much choice on forty, as the alternative was a total downer. (Before you start patting me on the back for my follow through, you should know I’m…

  • before the fall

    I live in Mississippi. I can handle the summer heat. Ninety-eight degrees and 110% humidity in August? Bring it. Then the first day of fall rolls around and something inside me snaps. I’m happily scrolling through Instagram when I see someone wrapped in a blanket scarf and I spontaneously combust. Dead. It is 100 degrees…

  • Manic Monday

    I have a lot of random things I would like to share with the internet. You love lists? ME TOO! Here we go… 1. Cookie Butter Brownies Occasionally, I need a brownie. There are also times when standard brownie fat and calories won’t cut it. It feels a bit indulgent to call this a recipe.…