One of SK’s clients gave him tickets to a Saints game, so we took the boys for a long weekend. I love New Orleans, but I think Wells loves it even more. This was Graham’s first (and probably last) trip. When we got checked in, we hung out at the hotel for while.

Later, we went to dinner at Palace Cafe, and G threw my iPhone off the balcony. It shattered into 1,000 pieces. I rigged it back together with scotch tape and amazingly, it still worked. It has since been replaced, and Graham is in the hole on his allowance for the next ten years.

The next morning, SK went downstairs to get us coffee. G tagged along. Not long after they left, I heard a knock on the door, and Graham asking me to open it. I did. He came in, but there was no sign of Steve. After about ten minutes (and still no SK), I asked G where his daddy was. It went a little something like this:
Me: Where is your daddy?
G: He is downstairs.
Me: How did you get up here?
G: The elevator (duh).
Me: Does your daddy know you are up here?
G: No. Maybe I should go tell him.
Yep, Graham ditched his daddy. I tried to text SK and let him know that G was safe in the room, but his cell phone was also safe in the room. About twenty minutes later, SK showed up. I almost hid G in the bathroom, so Steve would have to confess that he LOST MY BABY. The look on his face when I opened the door let me know he had suffered enough already. SK said he had half the hotel staff and all the folks in the club room searching for G. Finally, a guy getting off the elevator overheard the commotion and told him he had spotted the pj wearing perp on the ninth floor. We still aren’t completely sure how Graham made it up the elevator (room key required), knew the floor we were on, or found the room (at nearly the end of a very long hall). We are extremely blessed that he didn’t take the elevator down to the street level… it still makes me sick to even think about it. For all you folks (JANE) who ask why we never take Graham anywhere, THIS IS WHY.
After we somewhat recovered from the morning’s excitement (i.e., panic attack), we took the boys to the Insectarium. They had fun, but mama needed a Xanax.

We strolled around the French Quarter and went to The Little Toy Shop…

We had a delicious lunch at Stanley…

And rode the streetcar (a lot)…

The next day, we got up bright and early to head to the Superdome.

I totally regretted not having a leash for Graham when I saw this…

What the what were we thinking? We didn’t end up losing him, but it is only because I was there. (No, SK… I am not ever going to miss an opportunity to point out that you LOST MY BABY.) When we got to our seats, I realized that it was 100 degrees in there, and I was wearing a sweater. I suffered as long as I could, then bought a $40 burnout tee with a bedazzled fleur de lis and changed in the bathroom. Desperate times, my friends. The boys really enjoyed the game for the first two quarters. After that, Wells had a meltdown because he wasn’t on the Jumbotron, and G pooped his pants (strike three). Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Notice there are no pics of said bedazzled tee. I just don’t want you to recognize it when you open your Christmas gift.
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