Sorry for the silence. I’ve been feeling a little blah lately. What? You think it’s all sunshine and rainbows around here? It isn’t. Our house gets trashed, the kids get loud and my hair doesn’t get washed (I am down to once a week, people. Do I have to plan my own intervention?). Sometimes life slaps you in the face, and you can sit around and feel sorry for yourself… or tell life to suck it and move on. SUCK IT, life. Moving on…

Wells and I went with SK to a work thing in California. Our luggage wouldn’t fit in the convertible he rented. Sound familiar? You’d think I’d learn to pack a little lighter. This time, we flew into San Diego, and Comic Con was in full swing. It was nuts. There were nerds people dressed like superheroes everywhere, and Wells now thinks San Diego is the coolest city ever. We fought the crowds as long as we could, then drove to our hotel in La Jolla. I had been to La Jolla before (in college), but didn’t remember it being so pretty. Wait a second. That trip was with three other girls and all our luggage fit in the convertible we rented. Hmmmm. Maybe I am not the problem.

The first full day, we took Wells to Seaworld. The weather was wonderful (anything less than 120 degrees is wonderful, right?), and it wasn’t very crowded.

That night we had dinner at Piatti La Jolla. We sat outside under trees strung with Christmas lights. It was a nice change. If you try to sit outside in the summer in Mississippi, you ARE dinner to a million mosquitos. I tried to take a couple of pictures, but it was too dark. I did get one pic of my yummy pasta…

The next day, I had to do a quick work thing, so Wells and I went to Starbucks for caffeine, donuts and wifi. He is not a very good assistant. While I was shutting down my computer, he threw half a donut and a lot of latte into the collection bin for back to school supplies. I’m sure some kid was thrilled to get that coffee-stained Trapper Keeper (do they still make those?). Oopsie.

After we tried to make that right, we went to a couple of shops then to the beach. Ahhhhh, the beach…

We met SK for lunch at a place called The Cottage. It was yum… especially the guacamole.

After lunch, we went back to the beach. Wells had swim trunks, but it was too cold to really get in the water. It didn’t stop him from having a fantastic time…

That night, SK and I had a dinner, so Wells stayed with a babysitter. He got room service before we left, and kept teasing me with it. “Bet you wish you had one of these fries, don’t you?” When we got back, the sitter told us he filled her in on his love life. He told her his girlfriend was changing schools this year. When she said she was sorry to hear it, he responded, “It is ok… we are gonna work through it.” That’s my boy.

Our last full day, Wells and I went to Legoland. Aint no party like a Legoland party, cause a Legoland party don’t stop…

After Legoland, we stopped by Trader Joe’s, picked up picnic stuff and headed back to the beach to catch the sunset.

A few more pics from the trip… because I KNOW you really want to see MORE pictures from the trip.

Longest. Post. Ever.
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