Last weekend, the boys and I took a road trip with Mawmaw Sarah. The day started off with a lovely headache for me. By mid morning, we had ourselves a super fun, flat tire.
We unloaded all the gear and started assembling the jack. Because really, can you think of a better way to spend an hour or four? The great time we were having must have been apparent, because a sweet couple stopped and asked if they could join the fun. I almost turned them down, you know, because I wanted to keep the party all to myself, but I agreed to let them stay. Big mistake. The Mister took over the tire changing, and I was left to entertain myself… and the 2 and 5 year olds. They were especially excited to sit quietly in their car seats with no AC or TV. The time just flew by!
I asked my passengers if they wanted to go to the beach or an amusement park or something but they wanted to go to a tire place instead. So glad we did! A nice fella there told me I was purdy and asked MM Sarah if she’d be interested in fronting the funds for his new business. Wells and G friended him on Facebook.
We had to literally drag ourselves out of there, but knew we needed to get back on the road. And boy did we! We were so excited to be back in the car, that we completely missed our exit! We were having soooo much fun playing the “are we there yet” game with the kids that we didn’t even notice until we reached the state line. Wow. Can you say party? I don’t even know if I should tell you the rest because I don’t want you to be jealous.
Ok. If you insist. We let the nav system take us on a magic carpet ride that criss crossed state lines at least three times. It ONLY added an extra two hours to the trip. It was pure bliss. We were having such a fantastic time, we barely even noticed we were on the road for 8 whole hours. It was uphill from there. We had a terrible waitress and dinner (score!), I dropped a bottle of wine that shattered all over the kitchen floor (no I wasn’t drinking it) and the batteries in the baby monitor went out (beep, Beep, BEEP!). A good time was had by all! I was so hyped up from all the day’s excitement that I couldn’t go to sleep. For some reason, I could only picture the place going down in flames especially since we were on the 16th floor. I got out of bed in the middle of the night to locate the nearest fire escape. I am such a party animal.
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