Last weekend, we went to the beach. Well, weekend before last, actually. I am waaay behind. I had to do taxes. UGH. Taxes and blogs don’t mix. I wonder if I could’ve itemized blog expenses? There is always next year. Back to the beach. We went to hang out with SK’s cousins from PA and ATL. We haven’t seen them in a while. Wells hasn’t seen them EVER. He met his cousin Emmett for the first time. They hit it off.

It was foggy the entire time we were there. I felt like I was summering in Cape Cod in the 40’s.
We had fun anyway. It was cousin Audrey’s 9th birthday. She is a doll.

If it were up to me, we would pack up and move to the beach. SK says we have to win the Powerball first. But, the kids are totally on my side.

We visited with SK’s grandparents while we were there. They are in their 90’s, and we try to visit them often. They are firecrackers.

I’ve really missed you. Really. When I win the lottery, you can come to my beach house and crash for a week so we can catch up. You can braid my hair, and I will cook you pancakes. Or, I will just try to blog more often. Let’s all cross our fingers for the Powerball.
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